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BSO Mighty Queenslander Bitter Ale Recipe Pack

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Brewing Supplies Online Home Brew Supplies
Price: $ 34.95
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BSO Mighty Queenslander Bitter Ale Recipe Pack

 BSO Mighty Queenslander Bitter Ale Recipe Pack

The home brew recipe packs offered will not duplicate commercial products. They are a starting point from which the brewer can adjust the recipe to create their favourite beer.

Kit Contents:

1.7 kg Morgan's Queenslander Bitter
1kg WBS Body Brew
12.5g WBS Cluster Hops (Infusion method)
15g Morgan's Premium Lager yeast

Makes: 23lt

This recipe pack uses Morgan's Queenslander Bitter as its foundation malt blend. It is well suited to this beer style.

Then infusion hopped with Cluster to influence bitterness and fermented cold with a true lager yeast.

The body brew addition offers a slightly drier mouthfeel with a fine lacy head on the beer.

This a true lager yeast. Ferment your wort cold from 120 - 180 Celsius.

*Download Style Pack Instructions Here*


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