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Basic Principles For Making Yoghurt.

  1. When yoghurt cultures are added to milk, the cultures react with the lactose (milk sugar), dextrose if in the culture, or other available sugars to create a new acidic, protein based, vitamin rich, fermented product.

At close to 40oC effective fermentation occurs. Above 45oC the culture starts to die. For best results use a thermometer to monitor your yoghurt temperature. Also use an effective way to control the heat of your yoghurt over a 12 to 24 hour time period.

  1. After 10 to 12 hours at the desired temperature you will have made a delicious, nutritious yoghurt. The longer your yoghurt is kept at the ideal fermentation temperature more sugars are converted, more acid is produced, and the tangier your yoghurt becomes.

Please be aware that electric yoghurt makers may increase in temperature with extended fermentation time, and sometimes become hot enough to kill the culture, particularly in summer. Thermos style yoghurt makers need their heat reservoir water replaced frequently to keep the yoghurt fermentation temperature in the correct range. Overall mains supply yoghurt makers create a no fuss yoghurt making system.

  1. Basic yoghurt thickens when the proteins bond together during fermentation This happens with both dairy and soy milk, but not with coconut cream. With coconut milk a thickening agent is needed. With dairy yoghurt if the milk is heated to close to 820C, held at that temperature for 30 minutes, then allowed to cool to fermentation temperature, before adding the culture, an even thicker yoghurt may be produced.

Stirring dairy or soy yoghurt will break some of the bonds and should be avoided until just before serving. Other yoghurts which use a thickening agent can be stirred during yoghurt manufacture.

Maximising Culture Use!


Results 1 - 5 of 5

Yoghurt Cultures

Green Living ABC Probiotic Culture (Treats 100 Litres)

Green Living ABC Probiotic culture is used in conjunction ...

Price: $ 24.95

Green Living Kefir Culture (Treats 100 Litres)

Green Living Australia Kefir culture creates drinking-style ...

Price: $ 24.95

Green Living Mild Yoghurt Culture (Treats 100 Litres)

Green Living Australia Mild yoghurt culture produces a ...

Price: $ 24.95

Green Living Non-Dairy Yoghurt Culture (Treats 100 Litres)

Green Living Non-dairy Culture is specifically grown on a ...

Price: $ 25.95

Tangy Yoghurt Culture (Treats 100 Litres)

A traditional yoghurt culture producing a full, creamy, ...

Price: $ 24.95

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