Product Catalogue
Australian Residents:
Condensers may only be legally used in Australia for water purification, harvesting organic oils, or for processing vegetable oils or bio fuels.
A minimum of an Australian Government licence is required in Australia to extract ethanol for commercial purposes. State requirements and Municipal By-laws may also apply. You can not obtain a licence to distill alcohol for personal consumption.
Maximum boiler, keg, urn, or pot size 5 litres capacity.
International sales:
Before purchasing ethanol extraction equipment or plant please ensure you have accurate knowledge of the laws applicable to your country with regard to at home distillation equipment.
AlcoEngine Copper Reflux Condenser.
The AlcoEngine is a full copper, liquid management, reflux ...
Price: $ 219.95
Turbo 500 Stainless Steel Condenser
Genuine Turbo 500,stainless steel fittings,serial numbered.
Price: $ 368.95