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Beer Hops

Beer Hops


What Are Beer Hops?

Hops (Humulus lupulus) are a climbing plant  from the Cannabaceae family. They are often described as having long bines which need support during growth and on these bines cone like flowers form. These flowers become beer hops. In beer, hops impart bitterness to balance the sweetness of the beer malts, as well as providing flavours,  a variety of aromas, resins to increase head retention, and retardants to slow down spoilage.

Hops are a natural organic preservative due to their acids and essential oils. Alpha acids in hops are responsible for the bitterness and the oils that give your beer both flavour and aroma.

A hop plant has separate male and female bines. It is only on female bines which develop cones. Each cone is composed of thin, green, papery, leaf-like bracts. Within the bracts are the waxy, yellow lupulin glands. This is where the alpha acids and essential oils are most concentrated.

Hops are available as either: flowers, pellets, or hop oil extract. Home brewers have the option to use either flowers or pellets. Home brewers most times prefer pellets. Brewing Supplies Online offers T-90 hop pellets for online sales.



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