Product Catalogue
Preserving Supplies
Preserving Tips:
- Use chlorine free water
- Limit oxidisation by fully submerging all of your ferment
- Clean your work area and equipment.
- Use a sanitiser for your fermenter and bottlles
- Focus on controlling unwanted wild bacteria
- Hot water only offers short term pasturisation
- Sanitising protects during fermentation and storage
- If your ferment has Blue, Purple or Orange bacteria throw out your ferment
- Use a fermenter with an airlock to limit unwanted wild bacteria
- Lacto-fermentation can be assisted by salt if not using a fermentation culture
- Sea salt, Iodine free salt, and Kosher salt all work equally well
- Commercial cultures provide repeatable fermentation outcomes
- Don't ferment in glass containers without using an airlock
- Similarly the ferment can be acidic so don't ferment in metal containers
- Maintain product crispness with cheese makers Calcium Chloride
- Pickling or preserving can produce colour and texture loss
- You can preserve fruit with high ABV alcohol or flavoured spirits