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Product Catalogue

Bargain Buys

Bargain Buys


These items are usually pre-wrapped, pre-bagged, boxed, kits, or packaged as a single item when multiple items. They are offerred as a single item for purchase. For the purpose of clarity for the purchaser they maybe advertised without wrapping, bagging, or manufacturer boxes. 

If you live in Allora, Applethorpe, Balandean, Cambooya, Clifton, Cottonvale, Dalby, Dalveen, Glen Aplin, Grantham, Greenmount, Highfields , Helidon, Hodgson Vale, Jondarayn, Kingsthorpe, Oakey, Millmeran, Nobby, Pittsworth, Severnlea, Stanthorpe, The Summit, Thulimbah, Toowoomba, Westbrook, Withcott or Wyreema and purchase between $150 and $200.00 of discounted " small volume  goods "  in one purchase from Brewing Supplies Online and your order meets stated  "Free Freight Conditions"   then it's  free freight for that purchase. 

Brewing Supplies Online may apply purchase limits on an advertised product, sale item, or discount item as deemed necessary to ensure as many customers as possible are able to access advertised goods.


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