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Brevibacterium Linens

Green Living Australia Brevibacterium Linens is suitable for Muenster, Limburger, Port-du-Salut, Raclette and Năsal.
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Price: $ 16.95
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Green Living Australia Brevibacterium Linens

Green Living Australia Brevibacterium Linens (Red Mould)

Green Living Australia Red Mould develops rapidly, ensure a good ripening, and to produce flavour.Brevibacterium Linens is used for any cheese with a smear rind, in particular washed rind and uncooked, pressed cheeses. It imparts a distinctive flavour as well as providing an aromatic orange rind.

Brevibacterium Linens (Red Mould) for the home cheese making, is best added to the milk at the same time as adding your culture. This will produce the orange appearance in Washed Rind Cheeses, such as Brick, Limberger, Racellette and Muenster. It develops rapidly, to ensure a good ripening, and to produce flavour.

Mould: Brevibacterium Linens

Each pack has enough for 250 litres of milk, or up to 25 kg of cheese, and is very concentrated. Free sterile jar is provided with this culture.

When stored correctly freeze dried lactic cultures are typically viable long after any date on the pack.

Room temperature   1 to 2 months
Refrigerator   6 to 12 months
Freezer   2 to 5 years

*** Store in freezer as soon possible after delivery ***

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