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Beginner's Feta Kit

Beginner Kit - no experience needed. Treats 100 litres.
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Price: $ 82.95
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Green Living Australia Beginner's Feta Kit

Green Living Australia Beginner's Feta Kit

With the Green Living Australia Beginner's Feta Cheese Making Kit you have the basic equipment, ingredients and instructions to enable you to make 25 batches of Feta, using 4 litres of milk each time, and will have enough rennet to make up to 40 batches of feta cheese at home.

Green Living Australia updated Instruction Booklet now includes directions for brining your Feta, and the kit has the PH test strip required to do this successfully.

This Kit Contains:

Once you exhaust your consumables, you can simply re-order from Brewing Supplies Online those ingredients and continue making beautiful homemade feta!

When stored correctly freeze dried lactic cultures are typically viable long after any date on the pack.

Room temperature   1 to 2 months
Refrigerator   6 to 12 months
Freezer   2 to 5 years

Replacement home brew supplies and cheese making consumables available for future batches. Range of different cultures available.

Mass: .750kg

*** Store cultures in freezer as soon possible after delivery ***

*** Please note kit prices include the cost of packaging and presentation materials***


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