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Mortier Pilon 5lt Fermention Crock

The Mortier Pilon fermentation system is a 5 litre fermenting crock ideal for fermenting Kimchi, Sauerkraut, or vegetables to make fiery sauce.
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Price: $ 120.95
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Mortier Pilon 5lt Fermention Crock

Mortier Pilon 5lt Fermentation Crock

The Mortier Pilon fermentation system offered by Brewing Supplies Online is a fantastic 5 litre size fermenting crock ideal for fermenting a variety of vegetable recipes.  Whether it is Kimchi, Sauerkraut, traditional Dill pickles, or 5 litres of fiery fermented vegetable sauce this fermenter will meet your demands. It uses a water barrier system ie a moat, to allow fermentation gas to escape while preventing atmospheric contamination from wild bacteria.

Clean your Mortier Pilon 5lt fermented vegetable crock by hand using a no rinse sanitiser and water. Do not use boiling water or place in dishwasher. You may want to leave it to dry overnight or you can use straight away when our no rinse sanitiser is mixed correctly as this sanitiser is yeast and culture friendly.

Place food in Mortier Pilon crock, pour in culture mix and then top up with suitable water or use iodine free salt brine (leave 20mm head space). For crispy vegetables add GLA Calcium Chloride and cover with ceramic weight.

Affix ring, fill in water barrier and cover with lid.

Leave to ferment per recipe recommendation. When it’s ready, enjoy your fermented food or save it in sterile jars for later use.

Wash your crock by hand using water and vinegar prior to storage. Then repeat this process to make your next fermented vegetable recipe.



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