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BSO Irish Cream Ale Recipe Pack

A 4.7% ABV dark Irish Cream Ale, malted with pale malt, crystal and roast barley. Bitter hop with Challenger, followed by Fuggle and East Kent Goldings.
Brewing Supplies Online Home Brew Supplies, Granite Belt Brewing Supplies Craft Irish Cream Ale Grain Beer Recipe Pack
Price: $ 53.95
GST Advice:
GST Included

An Irish Cream Ale, using Challenger as bittering hop followed by Fuggle then East Kent  Goldings as a final addition. Challenger well suits English Ales. It offers sweet fruit aromas. Followed by Fuggle which adds stone fruit and tropical fruit notes to the beer. Finally there is East Kent Goldings.  Excellent as a final hop for an English style ale with distinct orange and grapefruit aromas. Malted with Pale Pilsner malt, enhanced with Medium Crystal adding a dash of toffee plus Roasted Barley. Roasted Barley adds darkness and dryness with a coffee like rich roast flavour. Lactose adds some sweetness while enhancing the flavours of the other malts.

The full grain kit includes the following -

Grain Bill
4kg Pale 2-Row Malt
500g Medium Crystal Malt
250g Roasted Barley
100g Lactose added at 10 minutes.

Hop Additions

25g Challenger – 60 minutes
25g Fuggles – 15 minutes
25g East Kent Goldings – 5 minutes

Other Additions

Whirlfloc Tablet – 5 minutes
Premium English Ale Yeast

Recommended Mash Temperature – 67°C

Mash Time – 60 minutes

Recommended Mash Sparge Temperature – 76°C

Hop Boil Time – 60 minutes

ABV - Approx 4.7%

Batch Size – 23 Litres

Original SG: 1048


***This recipe is provided without any guarantee of the final result,  because  the  technical  equipment used, procedures, and craft brewing expertise,  may  vary  from  one  brewer  to  the  next.***


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